in System Integration by
In my application I would like to 'pause' Embedded Wizard, shutoff the display, and have my device enter a low-power state.

I have EW running withing a task, so would it be acceptable to pause that task for a period of time (could be from minutes to hours or even days), but continue to call EwBspSystemTickIncrement()  in the background?
If I did this, would I be able to re-enable the EW task at a later time and have it just continue where it left off?

1 Answer

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Due to the fact that the Embedded Wizard GUI application is running as an endless loop (so called main loop) in a cooperative model, you have the full control over the CPU time given to the GUI task.

This means, you can pause the task for the necessary time period and continue at a later time - as long as the memory content (internal SRAM / external SDRAM) is still valid.

Typically, it makes sense to have the UI in defined state when you pause the task so that there are not running animations which are continued later.

Best regards,


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