in System Integration by
Hi All,

 I'm using the ChaN FatFs API, provided with most SDK's out there, on my NXP iMXRT platform. It doesn't use the standard C FILE struct but its own FIL, along with f_open() instead of fopen() etc. I'd like to reference images on SD Card rather than bake them into the flash at compile time.

Is there a way EmWiz can make use of this  ChaN FatFs API?

1 Answer

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if you want to load and display images dynamically during runtime (instead of using bitmap resources from the flash) you can use the class Resources::ExternBitmap. It provides the functionality to handle a bitmap loaded dynamically at the runtime from an extern image source. Bitmaps loaded in this manner can be used as regular bitmap resources. Please note, that this class provides only an interface for integrating your own image loader (e.g. PNG, JPG, GIF decoder) - it does not contain the image decoder itself!

The function EwLoadExternBitmap() is part of this interface and has to be implemented by yourself, in order to provide the image data. There you can access the files via the mentioned file system.

For details regarding the interface implementation please see the chapter Extern Bitmap interface.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


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