in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I have some issues managing multiscreen application with a several levels of menu. The main problem is to open the new window and same time destroy the existing one. Not like the dialogs just put in on the top of the screen.

So help me pls to find out the best way to do it.

I haven't found any examle of that. All examples simply use dialogs or screen shifting.

Thank you.

1 Answer

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I assume you are creating the windows dynamically. In such case to show a new window use the function Add() as shown below:

var SomeUnit::SomeGUIComponent window = new SomeUnit::SomeGUIComponent;

// Show the window within the root component
GetRoot().Add( window, 0 );


// or show it in context of the actual component?
Add( window, 0 );

To remove a previously presented window you use the function Remove() with the affected window as parameter:

// Remove the window always from its actual owner.
window.Owner.Remove( window );

Have you seen the section The classic approaches? Maybe it helps you further. Also interesting is the section Compose the component programmatically.

Best regards

Paul Banach


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