in GUI Development by


We want to create Custom Dials. What are the best ways to create it in the tool

Usecase 1:

Dial Background will be our own graphics. On top of it ,we need a rotating pointer.

Usecase 2:

Dial Background will be our own graphics. On top of it, we need a rotating pointer as well as a filler (i.e filling and needle must be in synce).

Anyways to implement it in a best way in IMXRT1050 with Embedded Wizard 9.2.

Best Regards,

Preethi S,

Robert Bosch - India

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Preethi,

what do you mean with 'Custom Dials? What do you mean with 'Filler' and how should I understand 'Filling and needle must be in sync'?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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