if you prefer, you can implement all the state logic in C/C++ code. With Embedded Wizard you design the GUI components only. Both the C and GUI code can be mixed together. This is similar to how you exchange data between GUI and the remaining application code. You can invoke GUI methods from the C code. You can invoke C functions from the GUI code.
How you integrate GUI with your remaining aplication is described in Integrating with the device and Device Class and Device Driver.
Anyway, moving the logic to C will not simplify the implementation of your application. In any cases you will need to implement all the logic code. Doing this in C, however, will make this task much more difficult. You will nee to take care of additional aspects like handling of user events, state management of GUI components, screen transitions, ... These aspects are already handled internally by the functionality provided with Embedded Wizard.
Doing this will also prevent you from being able to test and debug the application in Embedded Wizard Studio. Should you decide to port the GUI to a new target system, you will need to adapt the C code accordingly. Using WebGL as target system (e.g. for demonstration pourpose) will not work anyway unless you implement your entire state logic in JavaScript.
Best regards
Paul Banach