in System Integration by
Hello everyone,

i have a display NEWHAVEN DISPLAY (complete name NHD-7.0-800480FT-CSXV-CTP) , and it has FTDI driver IC (FT813). It works on SPI communication with microcontroller.

I want to use this display with STM32F407 MCU. I can create GUI on Embedded Wizard but how can i communicate that gui generated files with MCU using SPI communication.

Please tell the procedure to integrate that generated file with stm32 in keil IDE or any other

1 Answer

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the FT813 is a display and touch controller that contains a command interface to control the integrated graphics engine - but as far as I know, it does not provide the possibility to update the framebuffer content (like ILI9341 etc), correct?

In this case there will be no possibility to integrate this display controller.

Best regards,

Thank you for answer,

can you please tell any other 7 inch touch display which can work easly with stm32 MCU's, and so that i can create make gui easply on embedded wizard.

and what is the main

 difference between FT813 and ILI9341.
both LCD driver has Graphics RAM (GRAM).
yes, both contains GRAM...

But: ILI9341 (and others) are display controller, where you can directly access the pixel data within the GRAM und thus transfer the framebuffer content that is created by the MCU.

In case of FT813 - this is some kind of "intelligent" display controller, containing a audio engine, a touch controller and a graphics engine. The graphics composition is done directly on the chip, using simple commands to load a glyph or to draw a line. And this API does not fulfill the requirments to update framebuffer regions.

For more details, please have a look to the FT813 data sheet and programmers guide.

Best regards,


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