in Platform Packages by
Hi, I notice that the display on this board uses a Display Serial Interface. We want to use a Newhaven Display 320 x 240 that uses a RGB parallel interface. I am assuming that Embedded Wizard supports this interface for this development board and I probably shouldn't use this developement board for our GUI development.

1 Answer

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Hi there,

yes, we do support the RGB interface for STM MCUs. STM uses the LTDC module to configure the display respectively its communication interface. This HAL module is usable with all STM boards which have integrated a LTDC module. In your case, you can configure the LTDC module in 'TargetSpecififc/ew_bsp_display.c' for your choosen RGB display.

For this, you can take a look into our STM32F746-Discovery Build Environment, which uses an RGB interface. 

This is a good example to see how to configure the LTDC module for a RGB interface.

Best regards



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