Hello embedded wizard team,
I finished reading the path data document ,But I didn't find out how to draw the function of the curve.
I used Addline() drawing for the one picture!
I want to convert figure one into figure two. Which function should i call?
Best regards,
Hello Tonny,
I'm not sure whether I understand your application case. I just assume, that you eventually want to draw a Bezier curve? In such case use the AddBezier2 or AddBezier3 to draw arcs instead of straight line segments. For details concerning the Bezier curves I would recommend you the Wikipedia article.
If you are looking for a way to stroke lines with the finger (or mouse), may be the article How can I extract an image drawn into the GUI via a touch screen? helps you further.
If none of the above answers do address your question, please explain more in details what you expect by the conversion between the figure one and two?
Best regards
Paiul Banach
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