Hi Jerry,
thank you for the provided images. As you can see, all three gradients have the same pattern (the same vertical lines) at the same color value. Because they have a different width, the x position is different.
Therefore, I assume that the problem is not related to some timings or clock settings.
The following issues could cause the problem and should be checked:
* Hardware connection between MCU and Display. Maybe there is a wire missing, changed, connected with another wire...
* GPIO is not initialized correctly or used by another software component.
Btw: Is your display connected as RGB565 (16bit), RGB666 (18bit) or RGB888 (24bit)?
What you can do: Make three rectangles (one for red, one for green and one for blue), then use a very slow effect to change the color of each rectangle from 0x00 to 0xFF for each color channel (R,G,B). Print the color values somewhere on the screen. With this test it should be possible to detect the color values which causes a wrong output. Then we can nail down the wrong pins.
Best regards,