This is the console output:
Initialize Display... [OK]
Initialize Touch Driver... EwBspTouchInit: Initialization of FT5336 failed
Initialize Memory Manager... [OK]
Initialize Graphics Engine... [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Root Object... EMWI ERROR: code: 321
For details please visit
Create Embedded Wizard Viewport... [OK]
Target system STM32F746-Discovery
Color format RGB888
MemoryPool address 0xC003D860
MemoryPool size 7884608 bytes
Framebuffer address 0xC0000000
Doublebuffer address 0xC07C27A0
Framebuffer size 350 x 240
EwScreeenSize 350 x 240
Graphics accelerator DMA2D
Vector graphics support enabled
Warp function support enabled
Index8 bitmap resource format enabled
RGB565 bitmap resource format enabled
Bidirectional text support enabled
Operating system none
External flash device QSPI Flash
Linker section for bitmap pixel data .SectionEwResource
Linker section for font pixel data .SectionEwResource
Toolchain GCC
C-Compiler version 7.3.1
Build date and time Mar 17 2020, 22:58:33
Runtime Environment (RTE) version 9.30
Graphics Engine (GFX) version 9.30
Max surface cache size 4194304 bytes
Glyph cache size 256 x 256
Max issue tasks 100
Surface rotation 0
EMWI ERROR: code: 321
For details please visit
EMWI ERROR: code: 321
For details please visit
EMWI ERROR: code: 321
For details please visit
EMWI ERROR: code: 321
For details please visit
System halted! [HardFault_Handler]
My app works when I build it from the command line. One thing I notice is that there is two different GCC compiler versions. The command line one uses a newer version of the GCC compiler. 8.3.1 compared to 7.3.1.
Console output from command line build:
nitialize Display... [OK]
Initialize Touch Driver... Initialize Memory Manager... [OK]
Initialize Graphics Engine... [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Root Object... [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Viewport... [OK]
Target system STM32F746-Discovery
Color format RGB888
MemoryPool address 0xC003D860
MemoryPool size 7884608 bytes
Framebuffer address 0xC0000000
Doublebuffer address 0xC07C27A0
Framebuffer size 350 x 240
EwScreeenSize 350 x 240
Graphics accelerator DMA2D
Vector graphics support enabled
Warp function support enabled
Index8 bitmap resource format enabled
RGB565 bitmap resource format enabled
Bidirectional text support enabled
Operating system none
External flash device QSPI Flash
Linker section for bitmap pixel data .SectionEwResource
Linker section for font pixel data .SectionEwResource
Toolchain GCC
C-Compiler version 8.3.1
Build date and time Mar 18 2020, 19:03:43
Runtime Environment (RTE) version 9.30
Graphics Engine (GFX) version 9.30
Max surface cache size 8388608 bytes
Glyph cache size 256 x 256
Max issue tasks 100
Surface rotation 0