in Platform Packages by
I am running the examples on the STM32L4R9I-DISCO, I have no problem running them using the make - make install commands but when using Atollic TrueStudio the problem begins. I perform the postProcess to generate the Truestudio process, if I loaded the same example with make- make install previously there is no problem running it with Truestudio but if I change to another example and try to run it in Truestudio directly this error appears:

Create Embedded Wizard Root Object...        EMWI ERROR: code: 243, info: "ApplicationBack"

and the same error code appears for each example only instead of Applicationback, SetWidgetCheckbox or other depending on the example

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Snaider,

first I want to make sure that the post process itself isn't the problem.

The Post Process is just nesesarry for the examples 'ScreenOrientation' and 'ColorFormats'. Thus, could you please use a new Build Environment and try to run all other examples?

Do they work correctly then?

Additionally could you please use the command 'Clean' within the TrueSTUDIO file explorer (right click on the project). This will make sure that the generated code will be reindexed.

Best Regards,

0 votes
Hi Snaider,

my colleague gave me a tip what your problem also could cause. He assumes that the external flash could be not accessible.

Therefore, could you please verify that your external flash (in your case QSPO) is working correctly?

To do this you can change the define EW_USE_EXTERNAL_FLASH to 0. Then all the font and bitmap resource will be stored in the internal memory only. If this solves your issue, you will know the root cause.

Best regards,

It worked perfectly, thank you very much
Hi Tim


i have put my EW_USE_EXTERNAL_FLASH to 0 . i have created a siple GUI with a backgroud image of green color with a text on front saying "hello world".

when i use external flash i ran into mem management error(when i select compressed option for mode of bitmapresources and modeof stringconstant). when i disable it my display only displays green bacground without any text.

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