Hello Jain Klotz,
I'm not sure whether I understand your application case. Is the position of the Image static or does it rotate with the Rotary Knob thumb? If it is static, you can simply react to the OnChange signal sent from the Rotary Knob widget. In the slot method associated to OnChange you evaluate the CurrentValue of the Rotary Knob and depending on it you select the respective frame number. Assuming, the value range for the Rotary Knob is 0..100 and you want select from 7 frames, forllowing could be the code for the OnChange slot method:
ImageView.FrameNumber = ( RotaryKnob.CurrentValue * 7 ) / 100;
In turn, if the Image is intended to follow the position of the thumb, please read the section Arrange other views on the Rotary Knob's thumb. It explains how you can arrange/update other views (e.g. an Image) according to the actual rotation position. In this way, you can enhance the Riotary Knob by additional decoration, etc.
If the above mentioned Rotary Knob widget is not flexible enough for your application case, you can use the Component Templates. These are intended to be modified and enhanced according to your particular needs. Compared with the ready-to-use- widgets, they are very flexible. On the other hand, you need to take care of the their adaptation. In this case I would create a new GUI component based on the Rotary Know template and implement there the special functionality of your Rotary Knob widget variant.
Does it help you?
Best regards
Paul Banach