I don't know if it is the best place to ask it but:
I am using STM32F769-Discovery Platform Package for developing a product prototype.
I have modified ew_bsp_console.c for using USART6 instead of USART1 for communications. That is working perfectly if using HAL_UART_Transmit() in EwBspConsolePutCharacter().
Now I'm trying to use HAL_UART_Transmit_IT() along with USART6_IRQHandler(). Also, I have modified EwConsoleOutput() for sending all buffer at once, instead of single characters.
Attached the modified files:https://ask.embedded-wizard.de/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=588006794209012583
The issue is that I get this response when transmitting (PC and stm32 serial config are: 9600,8bits,1stop, none parity, none hw control)

Why sometimes the transmission is not correct?
Kind Regards,