I try your embedded wizard studio, but when i try to install on my STM32F (through "make install" on gccvar.bat) I have an error:
Compiling main.cmain.c:38:33 fatal error: stm32746g_discovery.h: No such file or directoryCompilation terminated.make: *** [obj/main.o] Error 1
Compiling main.c
main.c:38:33 fatal error: stm32746g_discovery.h: No such file or directory
Compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/main.o] Error 1
The problem is becouse is a evalutation software?
the file 'stm32746g_discovery.h' is part of the STM32CubeF7 software. Please ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of the STM32CubeF7 embedded software for STM32F7 series and unpacked it into the subdirectory {UserDocumentFolder}\STM32Fx\STM32Cube_FW_F7.
The provided Embedded Wizard build environment for the STM32F746 target should be located within the subdirectory {UserDocumentFolder}\STM32Fx\STM32F746-Discovery.
If you have used different locations, then the relative paths of the makefile will not work.
I just had install the STM32CubeF7..
My tree path is( as you can see in the screenshot )
{UserDocumentFolder}\Embedded Wizard Eval 8.00\Stm32Cube_FW_F7
{UserDocumentFolder}\Embedded Wizard Eval 8.00\STM32F746-DiscoveryIs it correct?
In principle you are free to choose any directory structure - but if you want to use the makefiles without modifications you should keep exactly the described directory structure.
As you can see within the article Getting started with STM32F746 Discovery, the common STM32Fx directory is missing in your directory structure.
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