Hello Manfred,
thank for the hints.
I added "trace disp;" to the Chora code in EmWi and the console print is:
[Display] FPS 2813.4
[Display] FPS 2803.3
Run RTOS... [OK]
SetPhyMode:000021e1 Auto:1, FD10:1, HD10:1, FD100:1, HD100:1, FD1000:1 LPBK:0
LCD data found in EEPROM
Initialize Graphics Engine... [OK]
Create EmWi Root Object... [OK]
Create EmWi Viewport... [OK]
File size=488576
ENETPHY_FindingState: PhyNum: 1
Enable Phy to negotiate external connection
NWAY Advertising: FullDuplex-1000 FullDuplex-100 HalfDuplex-100 FullDuplex-10 HalfDuplex-10
[Display] FPS 1913.3
trace: 250
[Display] FPS 1701.1
Next thing I did is, that I placed a breakpoint inside "ViewsText_OnSetString" and I can verify, that the OnSet itself is working:

Going further, the processor runs into "EwPostSignal":

Going further happens without any error "Err03" posted.
This is the object posted:

So I can confirm, that the reaction incl. sending the "Postsignal" is working:
The previous object posted shows up in the processing function for signals:

Furthermore, here is the cyclic code for Visualization handling:
************************************ CODE START ***************************************
/* receive touch inputs and provide the application with them */
if ( GUITouch_GetTouchPosition( &touchPos ))
/* Convert values to screen abs - no calibration*/
touchPosRet.X = touchPos.X;
touchPosRet.Y = touchPos.Y;
/* begin of touch cycle */
if ( touched == 0 )
CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( rootObject, 1, 0, touchPosRet );
/* movement during touch cycle */
else if ( touched == 1 )
CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement( rootObject, touchPosRet );
touched = 1;
/* end of touch cycle */
else if ( touched == 1 )
CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( rootObject, 0, 0, touchPosRet );
touched = 0;
/* process expired timers */
timers = EwProcessTimers();
/* process the pending signals */
signals = EwProcessSignals();
/* refresh the screen, if something has changed and draw its content */
if ( timers || signals )
Update( viewport, rootObject );
/* after each processed message start the garbage collection */
/* show the memory statistic */
EwPrintProfilerStatistic( 0 );
************************************ CODE END ***************************************
The postsignal are processed, since other OnSet methods are working without problems.
Are stepping in debug confirmed that.
best regards,