I'm working on the STM32MP157 -DK2, I followed the tutorial and the "Getting started with STM: STM32MP157C-DK2" section. Everything goes well until I try to run the basic programs on the board. I connect in ssh, I transfer the binary successfully and during the execution I get this error message which is displayed on the board terminal.
"root@stm32mp1:/usr/local# ./EmbeddeddedWizard-STM32MP157C-DK2
Initialize Display... [failed]"
I then tried to reboot the board, and now when I try to run the binary, I don't get any more error messages yet nothing is displayed on my board. Before coming to your site, I have already tried various ways to implement simple programs in the board and I always encounter the same type of problem. I've already searched the internet but I haven't found any solutions, at least none that work. Can you please help me?