in Getting started by

I'm working on the STM32MP157 -DK2, I followed the tutorial and the "Getting started with STM: STM32MP157C-DK2" section. Everything goes well until I try to run the basic programs on the board. I connect in ssh, I transfer the binary successfully and during the execution I get this error message which is displayed on the board terminal.

"root@stm32mp1:/usr/local# ./EmbeddeddedWizard-STM32MP157C-DK2
Initialize Display...                        [failed]"

I then tried to reboot the board, and now when I try to run the binary, I don't get any more error messages yet nothing is displayed on my board. Before coming to your site, I have already tried various ways to implement simple programs in the board and I always encounter the same type of problem. I've already searched the internet but I haven't found any solutions, at least none that work. Can you please help me?

1 Answer

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it seems that the display initialization fails - this happens typically when the full screen access is not possible. Did you stop the currently running demo application which is launched automatically when the board has started?

If your board meanwhile displays nothing after reboot - maybe try once again with a fresh SD card according to the Getting Started with STM32MP157C-DK2. This was tested several times and should work fine...

Best regards,


Hello and thank you Manfred for your answer,

I didn't follow that step well, apparently,
So I did

ps -a
kill -9 xxx
Using Weston's PID and then I ran the executable again.
Everything's working fine.
Thanks again for your quick response

Best regards,

I have the same error

"root@stm32mp1:/usr/local# ./EmbeddeddedWizard-STM32MP157C-DK2
Initialize Display...                        [failed]"

I am doing as in the tutorial (https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-stm32mp157c-dk2) but it does not work. I did everything without mistakes.

I cant kill weston-keyboard and weston-desktop-
I use 3.1-openstlinux-5.4-dunfell-mp1-20-06-24

Any suggestions?



As described in the official ST documentation, please try

systemctl stop weston@root.service

in order to stop Weston to be executed.

Hope this helps,

Its work. I must use "systemctl stop weston@root.service"
But when i restart I see STM Demo not my UI :(
Thank You.


what about

systemctl disable weston@root.service

Does this help?

Best regards,




systemctl disable weston@root.service

not work.
When I reboot I have stil STM walpaper and icon with terminal, weston demo. I cant disable this weston on boot.
When I manually kill weston and startup my UI then its work.


Maybe you can get some helpful information about that within the STM forum... I only have seen the official ST documentation.

Best regards,


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