in Getting started by

Whenever I clicks method or class, or add a resource the application windows disappears. Undo doesn't works.

There is some error "aView is NULL"

1 Answer

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each time you want to show a new page in the Composer or if you start the Prototyper, Embedded Wizard needs to execute the Chora code for the initialization of the object and all embedded members. If the canvas area remains invisible, the reason is usually an error during the initialization of the object. Go to the Log Window and search for the first error message. If there are too many messages in the log window, clear the log messages and change again to the Composer page that shows the problem.

After solving the error, the Composer will display the Canvas area with your GUI content.

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,



No, I followed the steps but cannot trace the error. Can you please tell me how to resolve this?

Sorry - but I cannot read the error message....

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