in Getting started by
A question about the example Editor.

When I hold the ctrl key down for about a second a screen appears that looks like all the functions for a TV control with keyboard presses for each function.  I find this very strange.

I cant find in the Editor gui where the ctrl key is being handled and what is causing this screen to appear.
Is it part of some inherited method ?
If I want to create an app of my own without this screen popping up then what modules do I need to omit ?


1 Answer

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Hi Robert,

the "strange window" belongs not to the GUI application - it is a popup window of the Prototyper to show the user the supported keyboard inputs.

Don't worry, this window will not appear within your GUI application running on any target...

Best regards,



I noticed after I posted the question that this happened with any of the examples, so it had to be something to do with the Prototyper.

Thank you for the explanation.

We are just in discussion about removing this popup window - so thank you for your feedback!
All these shortcuts exist for compatibility purpose only and can be ignored. The popup windows is completely unnecessary and there is no need to confuse users... :-)

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