in Embedded Wizard Studio by

Hello team,

    if i want to make a diagram,The content is :


  The picture have three curves.

  My purpose:

  When I press the plus key ,This curve will add one ,when i press the minus,this curve will reduce one.

in the embedded wizard,How can I achieve?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,


1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Tonny,

the easiest way to show a speaker symbol with several volume levels is the usage of a bitmap stripe containing all necessary icons:

You can store all icons in one multi-frame bitmap resource and show the actual icon within an Image View by selecting the frame number of a multi-frame bitmap resource.

The above example has a size of 250x50 pixel - each icon has the size 50x50 pixel. This size has to be used in the parameter FrameSize of the bitmap resource.

If you use such a bitmap as ALPHA8 bitmap, you can colorize it dynamically during runtime.

I hope this answers your question.

Best regard,



Hello Manfred,


In the onPressKey and onReleaseKey ,

What kind of code should I use?

Best regards,


Hi Tonny,

you can add one KeyHandler for 'Plus' and send a signal by using OnPress to a slot method to increase the volume. A separate key handler and slot method can be used to decrease the volume.

Best regards,


Hello Manfred,

     OK ,Thank you very much. I've solved the problem.

Best regards,


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