in GUI Development by

Hi Manfred Schweyer,

I meet a trouble for "Blinking effect" in my project, I made a simple sample as following link.


I explain as follows.

* When I press "Plus" key when prototyper, "AAAAAA" string will start "blinking effect", and will stop "blinking effect" and show "BBBBBB" string after 3 seconds.

* When I press "Minus" key when prototyper, will start "blinking effect" also, but can't show "BBBBBB" string after 5 seconds.

Except "Timer.Period", all condition are all same for "Plus" key and "Minus" key, but I saw different result and I confusing. 

Please help me analyze this problem, thank you.

1 Answer

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Hi Steward,

the bool effect within your sample has a 'CycleDuration' of 500ms and a 'InterCycleDelay' of 1000ms. This means, that your string is 500ms invisible and 1000ms visible.

When you start your timer, the bool effect is also triggered. When you set the timer to 3000 ms (by pressing the '+' key), then your text is visible when the timer expires. When you set the timer to 5000 ms (by pressing the '-' key), then your text is invisible when the timer expires. Change the time from 5000ms to 4500ms or 6000ms and you will get the same result.

In order to avoid such confusing situation, you can simply set the 'Visible' property of your text item to 'true' when the timer is expired. This ensures, that the text is shown independent form the current phase of the bool effect.

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