with the properties ColorTL...ColorBR you have the possibility to specify the color values for each corner individually. In this way you create gradients. These properties store in fact the real color values for the view.
Additionally, there is a convenience property Color. Changing this property modifies implicitly all the individual corner color values. As such this property is used when you want the view to be shown with a solid (not gradient) color. This property modifies thus the above mentioned properties ColorTL...ColorBR.
Consequently, the properties may be used exclusively. Either you specify a single, global color for the complete view in the convenience property Color or you specify individual colors for a gradient in the four properties ColorTL...ColorBR.
In your application case, I suppose, you have initialized both the global property Color and the individual properties ColorTL...ColorBR. In such case the property Color (depending on the order in which the operations are executed) may overrides the individual values stored previously in the properties ColorTL...ColorBR.
To solve the problem, remove the initialization of the property Color. How to do this is explained in the section Restore the default or inherited value.
Does it solve the problem?
Best regards,