in System Integration by
Hello, im trying to integrate Embedded Wizard example generated code into my project with custom board assembled by PIC32MZ2048EFG. I have working FreeRTOS and im able to periodically draw frame buffer on the LCD via DMA etc. through one task. I dont use any Microchip framework like Harmony3 (there is missing a lot of usefull functions for peripherals so this framework is useless) therefore i use old peripheral drivers probably generated by old Harmony. So i dont have any BSP or HAL from Microchip, all of code i wrote on my own or use older working fine peripheral library.

And now the question: In examples are located ewmain. and ewmain.h where are written functions which are periodically called inside RTOS thread for update frame buffer. Im not able to generate these two souce/header files so i have a lot of files but i dont know where is the top level init/update/done functions for GUI in other words im finding interface methods betwen RTOS and EW GUI. I have generated following files:

Application.c; Application.h; build_report.html; Core.c; Core.h; Effects.c; Effects.h; ewfiles.cmake; ewfiles.inc; ewfiles.lst; ewlocale.h; Graphics.c; Graphics.h; Resources.c; Resources.h; Views.c; Views.h; _ApplicationApplication.h; _ApplicationFont.h; _CoreCursorEvent.h; _CoreCursorGrabEvent.h; _CoreCursorHit.h; _CoreDialogContext.h; _CoreDragEvent.h; _CoreEvent.h; _CoreGroup.h; _CoreKeyEvent.h; _CoreKeyPressHandler.h; _CoreLayoutContext.h; _CoreModalContext.h; _CoreOutline.h; _CoreRectView.h; _CoreResource.h; _CoreRoot.h; _CoreTask.h; _CoreTaskQueue.h; _CoreTimer.h; _CoreView.h; _GraphicsCanvas.h; _ResourcesBitmap.h; _ResourcesFont.h; _ViewsRectangle.h; _ViewsText.h


Thank You for any help

1 Answer

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in order to integrate an Embedded Wizard example into your custom board, let me recommend to start with the Build Environment for the PIC32MZ-DA and follow the Getting Started with Microchip PIC32MZ-DA. Based on that it will be much easier to migrate to your own hardware. The file ewmain.c is part of the main loop that drives the entire GUI application.

The generated code contains only the GUI application itself without integration into a dedicated environment. Just put this code without any changes into your build process.

Hope this helps...

Best regards,



i checked examples for PIC32MZ-DA but i dont want to use Microchip's plugins. Is any possibility to port generated code to own project and hardware? I thought that baremetal or Free RTOS is needed with initialised TFT, allocated frame memory, task with embedded wizard GUI application and render TFT task. Ithought that i can try copy importatn methods but i cannot find some methods definitions for example EwNewObjectIndirect or EwInitViewport. I found only their prototypes in *.h files but i don't find their *.c/cpp files. So i don't understand how i can build example without these definitions. Where are their definitions and source files?

in principle you can setup your own project - there are no dependencies from our Libraries (Runtime Environment and Graphics Engine) to functions provided by the Microchip SDK.

Please note that the Embedded Wizard Runtime Environment and the Graphics Engine are provided as Libraries within the free evaluation edition. Please make sure to include these libraries (located within the subdirectory /PlatformPackage) into your project.

Best regards,

Hello Manfred,

thank for your answer. Do you mean /PlatformPackage from the example for PIC32MZ-DA?


I am talking about our Embedded Wizard Build Environment for PIC32MZ-DA - there you will find the folder /PlatformPackage - see section Exploring the Build Environment.

Best regards,


Yes i found it, thanks. But i found some calls of methods from Harmony 3 for example SYS_TOUCH_DrvObjGet. Probably i have to rewrite some methods on my own. Harmony 3 is terrible framework :-(.

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