We're using Graphics Path to specify clock hands:
this.HoursPath.SetMaxNoOfSubPaths( 1 );
this.HoursPath.Rotate( thetaHours );
this.HoursPath.InitSubPath( 0,1 );
this.HoursPath.Begin( 0, 0, -this.HoursHandStartOffset );
this.HoursPath.AddLine( 0 , 0, -this.HoursHandStartOffset - this.HoursHandLength );
This HoursPath is being used with a StrokedPath, and the line is drawn fine.
However, when we set StartCap and EndCap to round, we cannot get it to change shape.
(Width of hand is 9 pixels)
Do we need to do something else to make it round the ends? (We've increased the edge number of drawn an small line at the end of the first one to get a curved effect.)