I need to move GeneratedCode and PlatformPackage folders to another location relative to MDK-ARM project folder, and to rename them into EmWizGeneratedCode and EmWizPlatformPackage respectively. And to move Project folder upper than it situated.
My project has following characteristics:
Embedded Wizard Studio Pro Version 9.00,
Keil uVision V5.24.2.0 MDK-ARM Professional,
Project is based on STM32F746 Discovery template.
Paths before: | Paths after: |
SRC\ Application\ GeneratedCode\ Project\ MDK-ARM\ PlatformPackage\ | SRC\ ApplicationSources\ EmWizGeneratedCode\ EmWizPlatformPackage\ Project MDK_ARM |
I have already done the following:
- in Embedded Wizard project modified settings inside Profile member: OutputDirectory
- modified Project\MDK-ARM\MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd file (as i have understood it generates .gpdsc file)
Result: Keil uVision creates directory SRC\GeneratedCode and tries to find .gpdsc file there but can't.
Now MDK-ARM_ew_post_process.cmd is as follows:
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set out_file=%EmWi_OutputDirectory%\ewfiles.gpdsc
set out_file_uV_Prj_Relative=../../ApplicationSources/EmWizGeneratedCode/ewfiles.gpdsc
set dir_platf_package=%EmWi_OutputDirectory%/../EmWizPlatformPackage
set dir_platf_package_gpdsc_relative=../EmWizPlatformPackage
if not exist %dir_platf_package%\%EmWi_ColorFormat% (
echo "ERROR: The requested color format %EmWi_ColorFormat% is not supported for this platform!"
exit /B 1
set rte_path=%dir_platf_package_gpdsc_relative%\RTE
set gfx_path=%dir_platf_package_gpdsc_relative%\%EmWi_ColorFormat%
date /t > date.tmp
time /t > time.tmp
for /f %%i IN (date.tmp) DO SET cur_date=%%i
for /f %%i IN (time.tmp) DO SET cur_time=%%i
del date.tmp time.tmp
if exist %dir_platf_package%/RTE/ewcolor.c (
set EmWi_RTESrcFiles=ewcolor.c ewdebug.c ewextrte.c ewobject.c ewpoint.c ewrect.c ewref.c ewresource.c ewscalars.c ewslot.c ewstring.c ewtimer.c
if %EmWi_ColorFormat% == Index8 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextbmp_Index8.c ewextfnt.c ewextgfx.c ewextpxl_Index8.c ewgfx.c ewgfxattrtext.c ewgfxcore.c ewgfxdriver.c ewgfxtasks.c
if %EmWi_ColorFormat% == LumA44 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextbmp_LumA44.c ewextfnt.c ewextgfx.c ewextpxl_LumA44.c ewgfx.c ewgfxattrtext.c ewgfxcore.c ewgfxdriver.c ewgfxtasks.c
if %EmWi_ColorFormat% == RGB565 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextbmp_RGB565_RGBA8888.c ewextfnt.c ewextgfx.c ewextpxl_RGB565_RGBA8888.c ewgfx.c ewgfxattrtext.c ewgfxcore.c ewgfxdriver.c ewgfxtasks.c
if %EmWi_ColorFormat% == RGB888 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextbmp_RGB888_RGBA8888.c ewextfnt.c ewextgfx.c ewextpxl_RGB888_RGBA8888.c ewgfx.c ewgfxattrtext.c ewgfxcore.c ewgfxdriver.c ewgfxtasks.c
if %EmWi_ColorFormat% == RGBA4444 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextbmp_RGBA4444.c ewextfnt.c ewextgfx.c ewextpxl_RGBA4444.c ewgfx.c ewgfxattrtext.c ewgfxcore.c ewgfxdriver.c ewgfxtasks.c
if %EmWi_ColorFormat% == RGBA8888 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextbmp_RGBA8888.c ewextfnt.c ewextgfx.c ewextpxl_RGBA8888.c ewgfx.c ewgfxattrtext.c ewgfxcore.c ewgfxdriver.c ewgfxtasks.c
) ELSE (
set EmWi_RTESrcFiles=ewextrte.c
set EmWi_RTELibFiles=libewrte-m7-keil.lib
if %EmWi_SurfaceRotation% == 0 (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextgfx.c
set EmWi_GFX_LibFiles=libewgfx-m7-keil.lib
) else (
set EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles=ewextgfx.c
set EmWi_GFX_LibFiles=libewgfx-m7-r%EmWi_SurfaceRotation%-keil.lib
@echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?^> > %out_file%
@echo ^<package xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" schemaVersion="1.0" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PACK.xsd"^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<vendor^>TARA Systems^</vendor^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<name^>EmWiGeneratedCode^</name^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<description^>Generated Code of Embedded Wizard^</description^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<url^>^</url^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<releases^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<release version="1.0.0"^> >> %out_file%
@echo - Generated: %cur_date% %cur_time% >> %out_file%
@echo ^</release^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</releases^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<generators^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<generator id="Embedded_Wizard"^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<description^>Tara: Embedded Wizard Studio^</description^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<command^>%EmWi_InstallDirectory%\EmbeddedWizard.exe^</command^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<workingDir^>%EmWi_InstallDirectory%^</workingDir^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<arguments^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<argument^>%EmWi_ProjectFile%^</argument^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</arguments^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<gpdsc name="%out_file_uV_Prj_Relative%"/^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</generator^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</generators^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<components^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<component generator="Embedded_Wizard" Cclass="EmWiGeneratedCode" Cgroup="Open Project "^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<description^>Opens the connected Embedded Wizard Project^</description^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</component^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<component Cclass="EmWiGeneratedCode" Cgroup="Generated Code"^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<description^>Embedded Wizard Generated Source Code^</description^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<RTE_Components_h^> >> %out_file%
@echo #define EW_SURFACE_ROTATION %EmWi_SurfaceRotation% >> %out_file%
@echo #define EW_FRAME_BUFFER_COLOR_FORMAT EW_FRAME_BUFFER_COLOR_FORMAT_%EmWi_ColorFormat% >> %out_file%
@echo ^</RTE_Components_h^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<files^> >> %out_file%
for %%f in (%EmWi_OutputSrcFiles%) do ( @echo ^<file category="source" name="%%f"/^> >> %out_file% )
@echo ^</files^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</component^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<component Cclass="EmWiPlatformPackage" Cgroup="Platform Package"^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<description^>Embedded Wizard Platform Package Libs and Source Code^</description^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<RTE_Components_h^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</RTE_Components_h^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<files^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<^^!-- include folder --^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<file category="include" name="%dir_platf_package_gpdsc_relative%/RTE/"/^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^<file category="include" name="%dir_platf_package_gpdsc_relative%/%EmWi_ColorFormat%/"/^> >> %out_file%
for %%f in (%EmWi_RTESrcFiles%) do ( @echo ^<file category="source" name="%rte_path%\%%f"/^> >> %out_file% )
for %%f in (%EmWi_GFX_SrcFiles%) do ( @echo ^<file category="source" name="%gfx_path%\%%f"/^> >> %out_file% )
for %%f in (%EmWi_RTELibFiles%) do ( @echo ^<file category="library" name="%rte_path%\%%f"/^> >> %out_file% )
for %%f in (%EmWi_GFX_LibFiles%) do ( @echo ^<file category="library" name="%gfx_path%\%%f"/^> >> %out_file% )
@echo ^</files^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</component^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</components^> >> %out_file%
@echo ^</package^> >> %out_file%