this is of course not the expected behaviour. What can you do?
Option 1: Have you verified the folder <Your-Working-Folder>\AppData\Local\Embedded Wizard\DumpFiles? Eventually the crash files are stored there without displaying the Ooops error message?
Option 2: Since you observe the crashes occur also with regular example projects, I suppose the EmWi installation become corrupted. Try following:
Step 1: Exit Embedded Wizard if it is running.
Step 2: Start the Windows program RegEdit.
Step 3: In RegEdit navigate to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ TARA Systems \ Embedded Wizard Studio
Step 4: Within the key Embedded Wizard Studio delete the subordinated key 10.00.
Step 5: Now Start Embedded Wizard again and try to open the project.
Option 3: If the above steps don't solve the issue, deinstall Embedded Wizard, and install it again.
I hope one of the options helps to solve the issue.
Best regards
Paul Banach