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I want to know how to convert from Enum type to String type.



Enum type "Fruit", Items "Apple", "Banana", "Melon"...

=> Fruit.Apple -> "Apple"

1 Answer

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Such conversion is not directly supported. You will need to implement it as a switch-case statement handling in it all the possible enum-values and convert them individually to strings. For example:

var SomeUnit::Fruit enum_value = ...
var string          enum_str   = "";

switch ( enum_value )
  case SomeUnit::Fruit.Apple  : enum_str = "Apple";
  case SomeUnit::Fruit.Banana : enum_str = "Banana";

trace enum_str;

In the case the enum items are numbered consecutively, you can convert the enum value into an integer and use the integer as selector to select a string from an array of strings. For example by using a locally defined array:

array string fruits[4];

fruits[0] = "Apple";
fruits[1] = "Banana";

var SomeUnit::Fruit enum_value = ...
var string          enum_str;

enum_str = fruits[(int32)enum_value ];

For optimization purpose, you can manage the array as a member existing within a class. See array member.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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