Hello Phil,
There are different conventions how to encode the EOL. Embedded Wizard follows the simple approach of using only \n as EOL sign and it does not provide any functionality to handle with \r. From Embedded Wizard's point of view \r is a regular character code, which should be displayed if found in the text. Since the font Application::NotoMedium is configured without the character \r (code 13), you get the error messages 180. You have following options to handle this:
Option 1: The best is to remove all superflous \r signs (code 13) from the extern string leaving \n as the unique EOL indicator. For this purpose you implement a C loop to process the extern string content sign-by-sign and remove all codes 13.
Option 2: As a quick workaround, you can map the character code 13 to a zero width space sign (code 0x200B). Thereupon Embedded Wizard will process \r as any other regular sign which in this case has no width. For this purpose add the expression 0x200B:13 to the attribute Ranges of the font resource Application::NotoMedium. For example:

I hope it helps you further.
Best regards
Paul Banach