Hi All,
I am submitting this question on behalf of a colleague:
Please can you help: on page 48 of the attached AN4861 application note - ST have a special warning about driving 480 x 272 displays as used in our system. They recommend the 480-pixel line length is padded to 512 pixels in SDRAM to ensure each line is a multiple of 128 to match the LDTC burst size and to prevent reads crossing the 1K boundary. Otherwise "the burst read will be split into single accesses which can lead to underun". This sounds like a plausible explanation for the shimmer bug we have been seeing.
ST provide some sample code which includes the following function call after the ConfigLayer call:
HAL_LTDC_SetPitch(&hltdc, 512, 0);
When I examine the Embedded Wizard generated code I am not seeing this SetPitch call.
The relevant code is located in ..\EWizard\STM32F429-Evalboard\TargetSpecific\ew_bsp_display.c
Please can you offer some advice on this.
Kind Regards