in System Integration by

I have a device class in my EmWi project which includes lots of device properties.  These are updated by data from the device hardware (e.g. from external memory) in my C code.  I wanted to construct an intrinsic which would represent my hardware during prototyping and also when compiling for Windows.  Is it possible for the intrinsic code to update the properties in this device class in a similar way that my C code does now please?



1 Answer

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Hello Jonathan,

compared with the code in the target system, Intrinsics are limited. The intrinsic can neither access Chora objects existing in the Prototyping environment nor invoke functionality implemented in your project. The communication with Intrinsics is always 'one-way' -> the GUI application invokes a function implemented in the Intrinsics module to query a data value or to perform some operation within the Intrinsics module.

For your application case you would need to provide in the Intrinsics Module functions for all data values. Then the functions can be invoked from the device class. In other words the device class queries the data actively. To not interfere with the code implemented for the target system, you can derive for this purpose a new variant of the device class and ensure that this variant is used during prototyping only as described in the section Adapt Device Interfaces for Prototyping.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hello Paul,

Thanks for your quick reply - I think that I understand the problem better now.

Best regards,


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