in System Integration by
I am trying to port the generated code from Embedded Wizard into our target platform. But unfortunately I get many compiler errors. The issue I am running into is with the inline assembly functions. GCC requires asm in the format __asm__("...") but all the generated Embedded Wizard code uses the __asm { ... }; format.
Can you tell me the best way to handle this?

1 Answer

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This error happens, when you try to compile a code that was generated for the Win32 platform. The generated assembler instructions are intended for X86 architecture not for ARM or MIPS. Therefore you get many many compiler errors.

Please verify your Profile settings, and take care that the attribute PlatformPackage contains your desired target and not one of the Win32 Platform Packages like Tara.Win32.RGBA8888.

If there are only the Win32 Platform Packages available, please make sure that you have installed the Platform Package for your target.

Additional remark: Please have a look into the generated code - at the beginning of every generated C or H file you can find the settings used for generating the code, e.g.

* Version  : 8.00
* Profile  : STM32Fx
* Platform : STM.STM32Fx.RGBA8888


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