in System Integration by

I am working on new project where I used the demos for the STM32F429 Discovery board as a starting point. The LCD display I am using is ST7789 controller  based with a resolution of 240x320. I  manage to get it working on our custom, it required configuring before the  Embedded Wizard display driver  is started up.  The output looks  exactly that in Embedded Wizard studio, but  mirror vertically about the right hand side .

Is this likely to be software issue on the LCD side or  the Embedded Wizard side? Any suggestions on resolving it would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Mike,

the mirroring is not related to Embedded Wizard - it depends on the read access of the ST7789 display controller.

Please check the initialization of your display controller and adapt the Address Control Register (MADCTR) and change the bits MV, MX and MY according your needs.

For more details let me refer to the ST7789 chip spec.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

Thanks for your reply, I was clutching at straws, I am  currently looking at the paramters you mentioning.

Kind Regards


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