in GUI Development by

The platform we use is NXP RT1170,

Embedded wizard software "IMXRT1170-EVK" is support MIPI DSI,

Is it possible to change to support Parallel LCD interface ?

thank you.

Best Regards,

1 Answer

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so far, we do not have an example that demonstrates RGB parallel display interface on iMXRT1170 instead of DSI display.

Due to the fact that the output of Embedded Wizard is the framebuffer content, the physical interface is not relevant for the entire GUI application.

Maybe you can get some help from NXP support or their forum in order to find the appropriate initialization?

Just for your into: The iMXRT1050/60/64 targets are using RGB display interface - maybe this can serve as template. The file ew_bsp_display.c (subdirectory /TargetSpecific within our Build Environments) is the interface to the display hardware.

Best regards,


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