in GUI Development by

As we have requirement in our project

  • When we do editing/typing through virtual keyboard or editable box that data need to be send immediately to device side
  • So is there any specific callback function or handler for the same ?
  • Or we have to achieve these by using system event handler/device interface/property observer 

1 Answer

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When we do editing/typing through virtual keyboard or editable box that data need to be send immediately to device side

Virtual keyboard and the editable box are different approaches. In the first case you usually handle keyboard inputs via Key Press Handler. In the second case, you react to changes within the edit box. For example, the with Embedded Wizard provided Text Editor component template implements a property OnChange. You can connect a slot method to the property and it will be called when after pressing a key the content in the editor has changed.

If you need to relay each keyboard event to the target and you don't want to use the Key Press Handler nor the editing box, you have the possibility to override in your Application component the method DriveKeyboardHitting. This method serves as entry point for all keyboard events. This includes the events generated by the virtual keyboard.

Does it help you further?

Best regards

Paul Banach

hi ,


thanks for the reply,

Yes i understand that we can handle it with keypress handler but it i have to send some string value which has been typed though keypad to device immediately ?

I'm a little bit confused because of your last comment. Is it a question? The possible approaches are explained in my preceding answer. All work immediately.

Best regards

Paul Banach
thanks for the reply

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