in Getting started by

I would like to know whether Embedded Wizard GUI will support on SPL (Standard Peripheral Library) from ST, specifically on STM32F4 and STM32F7 series.

Currently, what I have seen is the Embedded Wizard on top of HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) which supports STM32Cube and firmware packages. But I didn't get any information on support for SPL.

Is SPL support available for Embedded Wizard?

Looking forward to your reply.

Than you in advance,
Ajith P V

1 Answer

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Dear Ajith,

As of now the Embedded Wizard Platform Package has been ported to use ST's HAL only and there are actuallly no plans to port to SPL. However, if you intend to go ahead with Embedded Wizard's Professional Edition you'll get the Platform Package as source code and are then able to port to SPL by your own. Would that be an option?

Thanks and best regards,

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