in System Integration by


I am trying to migrate my project to EW 11.0 version.

The previous environment is as follows:

      - Embedded Wizard 9.10

      - Generic RGBA8888 Platform Package

The migration environment is as follows:

     - Embedded Wizard 11.0

     - Linux Software Platform Package

My ew application load jpeg dynamically.

The extern image loaded fine before migration.

However, when I loaded the jpeg image after migration, I got the error as below.

EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 41
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 111, info1: 1282, info2: 802
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors
EMWI ERROR: code: 320
For details please visit https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/errors

To load the jpeg file, the code in the link below was used without change.

https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/extern-bitmap-loader?v=11.00 > Using PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, etc. image decoders

The problem is info1 and info2 in error code 111.

When I called the EwCreateBitmap function, I passed 1280x800 as the frame size.

However, each size is +2.

Eventually EwCreateBitmap returns NULL.

The screen size is 1280x800.

I want to display the image in full screen.

What's the problem?

Best regards,



1 Answer

0 votes


the problem should be analyzed starting at the first error message - which reports an 'Out-Of-Memory' situation.

Please note, that with version 9.30 the system configuration is done within the file ewconfig.h - whereas in previous version the system configuration was done by using defines in the makefile or project settings of the compiler toolchain.

Additionally, please take care on Linux based systems: In old versions the memory was allocated via Alloc. Now the entire memory needed for the GUI application is managed by the Embedded Wizard heap manager. You can configure the size of the available memory pool within the file ewconfig.h.

Does this help?

Best regards,


When I increased the pool size, it works normally.

Is there a way to specify the proper pool size?

What do you mean with "increase to full size"?

Concerning the memory usage let me refer to the documentation about Memory Footprint.

Best regards,



When I increased the pool size, it works normally.

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