in System Integration by


Hi, I' m using EW 11.0 for the target platform Win32.

I created an application to read measurements from files. Among other things, the measurements are presented on 2 charts. I used a new Graph template to create the charts graph. When I testing application in the EW, both graphs load correctly and display correctly. The problem occurs after generating the application in visual studio. Only one graph displays the measurement. I tried to both read data from a file and generate it using the math_rand () function. Neither the first nor the second method gave any results.

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1 Answer

+1 vote

can you please provide instructions where to look within your implementation for the corresponding code sections and how to provoke the issue?

Best regards

Paul Banach

In Application :: Start there is a "NextDialog" slot. In it there is native code for reading data from a file.
Replace the code with this code below:

var int32 i;
for (i=0; i<2000; i++)
Application::Device.pomiary[i] = math_rand(20,80);

for (i=0; i<100; i++)
Application::Device.usrednione[i] = math_rand(20,80);

GetRoot().DismissDialog( this, null, null, null, null, null, false );
GetRoot().PresentDialog( new Application::BasicDialog, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false );

After pressing the "Otworz" button, you will see a dialog in which you will have a graph. To switch to the next one, click "nieusrednione.". As you can see, 2 graphs have been filled with measurements. After generating the application for windows platform only one of them will be full.



using the button 'nieusredione' has no effect on the Graphs, so far I could analyze it. The button is connected to a slot method, which only changes the visibility of the BasicMacro1 and BasicMacro2 lists, some colors, etc. The graph is not affected:

Have I misunderstood something?

Best regards

Paul Banach



when you compile the Win32 application with defined macro EW_OPEN_CONSOLE, an additional console window is opened. This window reveals then following errors when switching the graphs:

The errors 187 and 188 are reported when the Issue-Buffer is too small to store all vector graphic coordinates for the larger graph. For the small graph the buffer was sufficient. See also Error 187, 188.

The default configuration for the Issue-buffer under Win32 is actually 100. This is too little for your application case. I would suggest to increase the value to at least 1000. The RAM Usage window also provides hints for the minimum configuration. When I start your application and switch the graphs, the window reveals following parameter for the Issue-Buffer size see the row at the bottom of the window):

The following steps explain how you change the configuration:

Step 1: Navigate to the folder Platforms\Tara\Win32\RTE just below the installation directory of Embedded Wizard. There you will find the file main.c:

Step 2: Copy the file to your own Win32 project directory.

Step 3: Add to the file following row to configure the Issue-Buffer with value e.g. 1000:

Step 4: In your VC++ project remove the original main.c file and add the copied version.

I hope it solves the problem.

Generally, when you observe some suspect behaviour in the target system (this includes Win32), it is helpful to check the console outputs for eventual error messages or warnings.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Thank you Paul, you're solved my problem. Everything works well.

Best regards,


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