in GUI Development by
Hi Gents,

 Curious on if and how it would be possible to dump an entire rendering of the GUI to a .bmp or .png (we use the EW PNG Library) file.


1 Answer

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Hello Mike,

out of the box, such functionality is not available. What can you do?

In simplified terms, you can access the pixel information stored in the frame buffer and encode it within e.g. PNG, BMP, etc. file - assuming, you have an encoder library for such purpose. Embedded Wizard itself does not contain any PNG, BMP, etc. encoding routines.

The exact procedure would depend on the concrete target system (color format and how the frame buffer is managed). Do you want to dump the screen contents during prototyping or during the runtime in the target system only?

Best regards

Paul Banach

During runtime on our iMXRT1062 platform. We're using EW's PNGdecoder:


Hi Mike,
The PNG decoder is designed to decode PNGs during runtime with minimum code and optimized RAM usage. It does not contain an PNG encoder.
If you want to take a screen shot during prototyping of simulation, I can recommend our TestFramwork, which support screen shot functionallity.

Best regards,


Hello Mike,

I would recommend you following ask article: Framebuffer dump data. It explains the idea how to access framebuffer contents.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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