Hello Mike,
the Path data object and Stroked Path view are optimised to store coordinates and raster from them the corresponding vector graphic shapes. For the sake of efficiency you should load the Path data object only with data points you want to display. Embedded Wizard own Path data objects are not intended to manage indeterminate or large amount of data point.
I would try following approach:
1. Manage all data in separate data storage - outside of the Path data object.
2. From the data storage extract the interesting range of data points and load the values in Path data objects. Doing this you can configure the Path data objects with the actually expected number of sub-paths and the number of values in each sub-path.
3. If necessary, create Path data objects dynamically depending on the actual situation. Similarly, you can create the Stroked Path views dynamically.
4. If necessary (when data changes), you can recreate or re-initialize the Path data objects as well as the StrokedPath views.
A similar problem is we have events that take place that I would like to visually indicate with a symbol along the path line.
5. I'm not sure whether I understand what you mean. Displaying some cursor, decorations, etc. together with vector graphic should not be an issue. You will need to know the corresponding coordinates and arrange the 'object' at this position.
Perhaps the solution to this is not in tinkering with the paths themselves. But to generate a colored scrim or object(s) that scrolls with the X time access...?
6. The Path object implements methods to scroll its contents. This means, when new data arrive, the oldest entries are removed before the new entries are added. Maybe this is what you mean with "scroll with the X time ...". See the section Evaluate and modify the coordinates stored in the Path Data object. Especially note the method ShiftNodes().
Does it help you further?
Best regards
Paul Banach