in Embedded Wizard Studio by

I have board with a STM32L4P5VGT6 (100-pin QFP, 230KB internal SRAM), no external memory, 240x320  TFT (ST7789 controlled).
The board arrived today, prior  to this I tested this display with previous  product  of ours (STM32F429 + SDRAM) and it
works without a problem. We  have Embedded Wizard (EW) Pro V.9.2 with Platform package STM32.RGB888. My approach is to first
customize one of  EW demos (Hello World) to run on our hardware, so with the new display I followed the same thing on our existing product,
as I said the was successful, next I tried running from internal SRAM and was unsuccessful completely. The STM32F429 only has
256K of SRAM and so I selected STM32.RGB565 (it ran in demo mode, since we do not have the Platform Package STM32.RGB565).
Some questions:

1) Platform Package STM32.RGB565, that does render all the graphics (including bitmaps) content in a project accordingly.
2) The ST7789 is configured for RGB mode, so the VSYNC, HSYNC, DCLK and DE are active, do you have examples of EW GUI in
     this type  mode from internal SRAM?
3) Do you have any more details on using a scratch pad instead of buffer? would that be helpful to use?
4) Do know examples of EW GUI running on a STM32H743VIT (this device has 1MB on internal SRAM + 2MB of Flash)
5) Do we have buy  another copy of EW for the Platform Package STM32.RGB565?

I will     be repeating the tests I carried  on our new board which has slightly more internal SRAM, but any information you
might provide would greatly appreciated.  



1 Answer

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Hi Mike,

if you are using a board with ST7789 display controller and if you want to run your GUI application only within the SRAM and if you want to use the Scratch-pad buffer approach, let me recommend to do the following:

- Update to the latest version of Embedded Wizard - there are so many improvements since version 9.2 that you are using. Especially there have been many improvements in order to reduce the memory footprint.

- Download the Build Environment for the STM32F412 Discovery board or STM32F413 Discovery board. They demonstrate the usage of the Scratch-pad buffer approach and they are using the ST7789 display controller.

- If you want to use DMA2D on your target, you can also try the Build Environment for STM32L496 Discovery board.

All mentioned packages contain examples suitable for the mentioned boards. And of course, all graphical operations are supported on all targets - this is one of the basic concepts of Embedded Wizard.

Concerning licensing, please contact us - we have to align that with your existing license.

Best regards,



Hi Manfred,

Much thanks. I am carefully going through your recommendations.


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