in Platform Packages by
Hello, EmWizard team:

 I have a project with a screen size of 320*272. When I port demo EW project to mine, initialization fails at the step of initializing Viewport. After many efforts, I find it's unlikely possible to make it run with single 1.25M OCRAM because not only EwHeap but also VGlite buffer requires a significant amount of RAM.

Please help me estimate if an external SDRAM is necessary for my project.

Thank you.

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we are planning to provide a Platform Package / Build Environment for i.MXRT1170 using software rendering and/or the PXP hardware accelerator instead of VGLite. In this case the user can select bare-metal or FreeRTOS (or adapt it to another operating system).
The advantage of this package is the lower memory footprint - e.g. when you have a small display and want to use i.MXRT1170 without external SDRAM.

I assume it will be available end of June.

Does this help you?

Best regards,

Thank you for your quick answer. I am looking forward to this platform package.


we have now completed the Embedded Wizard Build Environment for IMXRT1170-EVK with PXP graphics acceleration (IMXRT1170-EVK-PXP) - which can be used with or without FreeRTOS. For all details, please have a look to the document Getting started with i.MX RT1170 using PXP graphics acceleration.

Best regards,


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