in Getting started by
What is limitation of "Max. 3000 devices/year3" on professional licence?

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello John,

first of all, let me refer to the Pricing Page which provides an overview of the Embedded Wizard licenses. 

As you probably already might know, Embedded Wizard is a bundle of two parts: The Embedded Wizard Studio (i.e. the IDE) to develop the GUI application and the Embedded Wizard Platform Package, which acts as some kind of abstraction layer to the used chip, graphical subsystem (if any) and operating system (if any).

The Platform Package is licensed according to the number of devices per year that you want to produce. In case that you have licensed "3000 devices/year" you can create every year up to 3000 devices with an Embedded Wizard GUI application. Please note, that this is a perpetual license - but a one-time fee.

For further questions about licensing, please contact us.

Best regards,


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