Hello Monse,
well, it is difficult to deduce what is wrong. I have following hints:
1. The Bitmap Frame view has 5 properties to configure the color. There are four properties for the four corners ColorTL..ColorBR and one common property Color. Usually you specify either the common color im the Color property or you specify the colors individually for the corners. If both approaches are used simultaneously the results may be unpredictable (in EW < 11.00). The version 11.00 calculates with all values by multiplying them. So check these properties.
2. You changed the Format of the bitmap to Alpha8. But have you verified that the used image file is suitable to be converted in Alpha8 bitmap resource? During conversion of the original image file, Embedded Wizard evaluates the brightness of each pixel and converts it in the corresponding opacity value. Black pixel means full transparency. White pixel, in turn, are interpreted as pixel being fully opaque. Gray values lying in between result in a semi transparent pixel. Please check the image file and if necessary create new image file suitable for the above described Alpha8 conversion.
Does it help you further?
Best regards
Paul Banach