in GUI Development by

Hi Manfred Schweyer,

Is possiable drawing giant OSD for EmbeddidWizard? My customer had a special spec of OSD, it will need show giant word on screen.

I try to change 'Height' to 250, but I received a error message as follows.

I made a photo for demo show of my customer request. RED word is drawed by Embeddid Wizard and WHITE word is drawed by other platform.

Have you any idea for enlarge font size by other ways? For example: double size control?

1 Answer

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Dear Steward,

up to the version 6.50 Embedded Wizard was limited to convert fonts with max. specified 128 pixel height. With the version 6.50 the limitation has been raised to 256 pixel. One possible solution would be thus to update Embedded Wizard to a newer version. If that is out of the question, I see the only way to store the big font glyphs within an alpha-only bitmap as individual frames. Then you can display the glyphs by indexing the frames from the bitmap. See http://doc.embedded-wizard.de/image-view#10

Best regards


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