in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Depending on my UI application, the Prototyper does not react anymore on keyboard inputs or mouse/touch events.  How to avoid such 'hang-up' situations? How to break the Prototyper?

1 Answer

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A hang-up situation can have one of the following reasons:

1. Endless loop

  while ( i < max )
    // don’t forget to update your loop condition
    i = i + 1;

2. Access to a property within its OnSet/OnGet method without ‘pure’ causes a recursive trigger of the OnSet/OnGet method.

  Property = value;

3. Recursive method calls or signals to a slot method

  void test( void )

To avoid a fatal stack overflow, the Prototyper limits recursions to 256 re-entrances. A recursive postsignal will automatically be suppressed. In the Log window a corresponding warning will be printed. Nevertheless older versions of the EmWi Software have not implemented this security mechanism and run into an endless loop.

The Prototyper can be stopped at any time by the break-command (Pause) on the PC keyboard and since EmWi version 5.20 the Prototyper window can be closed even in a endless loop.

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