in System Integration by


How can I convert XString to char and const char *?

For example;

Situation No. 1

var string comname = "\\\\.\\COM"+(string)Application::Device.SelectedPorts; //string to convert

native( comname)
const char* COMPORT = comname; //there i have put my string and convert to const char *

                hComm = CreateFileA(COMPORT,//port name
Situation No. 2

var string text = "Hello"; //string to convert

char lpBuffor_write[33] = text; //there i have put my string and convert to char

                    hComm,           // open file handle
                    lpBuffor_write,      // start of data to write
                    strlen(lpBuffor_write),  // number of bytes to write
                    CloseHandle(hComm);//Closing the Serial Port

I would like to ask for help because I have been struggling with this for a long time.

Best regards,


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hello Kyo,

such conversion is handled by following RTE functions:



For example:

var string comname = "\\\\.\\COM"+(string)Application::Device.SelectedPorts; //string to convert

native( comname)

  EwStringToUtf8( comname, COMPORT, sizeof( COMPORT )); 

  hComm = CreateFileA( COMPORT, ... );

Another approach: From your example I deduce that you are working on Win32 API. In such case you can use the wide-char version of the API and pass the Embedded Wizard Strings directly to it. For example:

var string comname = "\\\\.\\COM"+(string)Application::Device.SelectedPorts; //string to convert

native( comname)
  /* Use the wide-char version of the function (with W in its name) */
  hComm = CreateFileW( comname, ... );

Best regards

Paul Banach

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