in GUI Development by

Hi ,

    I have created 2 form (homepage and updatepage)

     gender is class seperate class.other fields are i get value from globalvariable .so iam able to pass other screens

  but gender is seperarte clss .so i cant add globalvariable.so can you please guide me to resolve this


With regards,


1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Ramesh,

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. If you are looking for a possibility to store global values, for this purpose store the values within so-called autoobject

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,


Application::GlobalSettings.Lastname = LastnameTextEditor.String;
//trace "lastname was",Application::GlobalSettings.Lastname;
trace "gender is",       Gender_male.Gendervariable;
Application::GlobalSettings.Gender=Gender_male.Gendervariable;   //it is showing empty
trace "The gender value is",Application::GlobalSettings.Gender

here gender_male is a class.i m not able to get value from   Gender_male.Gendervariable.so iam not assign to global variable.

Hello Ramesh,

are you sure gender_male is a class or do you mean it is an instance of a class (it is in fact an object)?

If it is really a class, accessing members in context of a class is not possible. You always need an instance of the class in order to access the members existing in it.

If it is an object and you are not able to access the data member Gendervariable, the data member possibly does not exist or its data type is not compatible with the expression where you evaluate the data member. In such cases Embedded Wizard reports an error. Do you get an error message?

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

    Gender_male is a object.


I assigned value in global variable.

Gender_male class was already shared in first comment. Please check it.

Hello Ramesh,

I'm sorry, but have no idea what should I check. You write: "i m not able to get value from   Gender_male.". What does it mean?

Do you get an error message? If yes, what error message?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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