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What's the best way to determine the Content Area of and Outline (vertical) to pass to VerticalScrollbar.ViewArea ?

1 Answer

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Hello Mike,

the thread Vertical scroll bar treats similar question. Does it help you?

Best regards

Paul Banach

Not quite.. It's only strolling the height of what is viewable. And not the entire contents of the Outline.
Is this because ViewState() needs something other than Visible?

var rect contentArea   = Outline.GetContentArea( Core::ViewState[ Visible ]);

Hello Mike,

It's only strolling the height of what is viewable. And not the entire contents of the Outline.

Is this not the expected behavior? If you want to scroll invisible contents, then try following:

var rect contentArea   = Outline.GetContentArea( Core::ViewState[]);

Does it work?

Best regards

Paul Banach


That's not working either.

As you can see I have 4 items over a height of 370. And when I use the VerticalScrollBar it only scrolls another 4 items (370pixels worth). There are 12 total.

My Outline's height is the same as my Bounds height. Does it need to extend beyond?



Hello Mike,

hmm ... no idea what is wrong. If you want  you can upload your project or an example demonstrating the issue. Then I would analyze it.

My Outline's height is the same as my Bounds height. Does it need to extend beyond?

No, Outline is usually smaller than its content. This is the idea to scroll the content within the smaller Outline area.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Just emailed you. Thanks

Hello Mike,

after reviewing your project I found the problem. Please see again the thread Vertical scroll bar mentioned in my first answer. Your implementation is missing the onUpdate slot method. Once such slot method is added to the component, implemented with the code found in the thread and assigned to the Outlines property OnUpdate, the scrolling works as expected.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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