in GUI Development by


 I am creating small form for learn virtualkey board.but it is not support chinese letter .it is showing XXX.

i have mention font range is 0x20-ox4FF.it is support english and russian only.this range not support chinesse (from piniyin input)

please guide me to reslove this.


With Regards,


1 Answer

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Hi Ramesh,

if I have understood you correctly than you want to create a virtual keyboard layout with chinese characters.

To display chinese characters at the keyboard button, make sure that the font range of the used font range is proper setup. At the ExtendedVirtualKeyboard custom modul the used font is called FontM and is located inside the ExtendedVirtualKeyboard unit. Within the inspector make sure that you set at the FontName the fonts from which the glyphs should be taken e.g. Noto Sans for latin and cyrillic and Noto Sans SC Regular for chinese. Than set the Ranges which should be applied for those fonts. You can either set here .txt files containing the ranges or directly insert them at the inspector.

To learn how font ranges can be set, you can have a look at: https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/ranges-attr?v=11.00



   Thanks for the update .i am creating texteditor to accept for both then how to change font property at runtime.

Hi Ramesh,

it is possible to support multiple languages with a single font ressource. Therefore there is no need to change the font property during runtime. You need to proper setup the font ressource FontM:

In this case the font range 'CJK_FontRange.txt' is related to the font 'Noto Sans SC Regular', were the 'Latin_Cyrillic_FontRange.txt' is related to the font 'Noto Sans'. Make sure, that the font range .txt files contain the proper font ranges.



Hi julian,

    For me Font name option is CJK,Default only but you mention Chinese and defalut.
Hi Ramesh,

than please use the CJK fields for the chinese font and range. How those fields are named is dependent of the name of the language bricks at the project. But be aware that there always has to be a Default language brick.



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