in Platform Packages by
Hello Team,

I am using Embedded Wizard version 9 (Professional) for my application. I want to know how can I save my string constants (generated from Excel datasheet) in external flash memory. I am using Quad SPI as external flash memory and already storing Bitmap resources and Font resources into QSPI but additionally I also want to store string constants (for Multilingual application).  How do I implement this?

Moreover, I have set FormatOfStringConstants in profile to compressed but will eventually still be not enough for our application.

Thank you and Best regards,


1 Answer

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with version 11.0 of Embedded Wizard, a couple of improvements in the location of constants and resources have been implemented.

In this version the new macros EW_CONST_STRING_SECTION_NAME and EW_CONST_STRING_PRAGMA have been added to memory areas containing constant strings. In this way the user can re-allocate the areas to dedicated areas in flash/ROM.

There have been added a couple of other features to reduce the flash footprint - maybe it is worth to consider an update...

Best regards,


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